Alternaria alternata is one of the fungal species referred to as “leaf fungi” (phylloplane). It has a worldwide distribution and is frequently isolated from a wide range of plants, soil, food, and indoor air. In indoor environments, Alternaria alternata has been isolated from dust on floors, carpet and mattresses. It is occasionally found on damp walls, gypsum board and wallpaper. Alternaria alternata is closely related to Ulocladium chartarum.

It is possible that Ulocladium chartatum is commonly misidentified as Alternaria alternata in commercial microbiology laboratories.
Alternaria alternata has been associated with a number of respiratory problems such as rhinitis, asthma, allergic dermatitis and allergic sinusitis. The spores and the hyphal fragments are the cause of the allergic reactions.
If you have any question related to mould or bacteria, feel free ro contact us at 905-290-9101.